Women First



Changes in women's lives, vital to the development of families and communities.

In the traditional culture of this southern country and the third world, poverty surrounds the rural areas, and almost all of the laborious agricultural work in the country is done by women. The Love Binti Association promotes the Women empowerment Project, which focuses on helping women in poor rural areas of the third world to take care of their basic needs during their menstrual period, and provides training to help relieve the double pressure of housework and farming. We strengthen women's participation socially and economically and seek active and effective ways to alleviate poverty.


Womem headed household

In women-headed household in poor rural areas, the women are widows or were abandoned by their husbands. They have no life skills, are economically disadvantaged, and have low social status, but they have to take care of the children in the family. This plan will assist women in extreme poverty to solve economic and survival problems, put in place systematic planning and public construction, and provide specific and feasible solutions to the various problems within poor communities.


Health, education, agriculture, and gender equality
are key inputs for the project.

Health, education, agriculture, and gender equality are key inputs for the project. The project improves the basic life and infrastructure of communities, improves women's rights to work and survival, helps women in less developed countries to start workshops, promotes skills development, and integrates micro-enterprises into supply chain management. This helps women to truly become the core of the family and the community, and to become decision-makers at the social and economic levels, so that the community, the family and other women could benefit as well.